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Information about Classical Homeopathy


Training with Prof. Vithoulkas

My teacher, George Vithoulkas, is a Greek professor of homeopathic medicine. Born in Athens in 1932 and more than 60 years of experience, he is one of the most important homeopaths of our time. He established scientific standards in the theory and practice of classical homeopathy. To this day he has trained thousands of doctors, many of whom are well-known personalities in homeopathy.


In 1996 he was honored with the Right Livelihood Award (also known as the Alternative Nobel Prize). The reasoning states: '... outstanding contribution to the revival of homeopathic knowledge and the training of homeopaths to the highest standards.'


Prof. George Vithoulkas developed the model of 'levels of health' to record a patient's state of illness or the direction of healing during treatment. This deals with and hierarchises the three levels of human existence : the physical level, which represents the most superficial layer, including the psycho-emotional level and the innermost mental level. Each of these layers is in a dynamic relationship with the others, that is, every stimulus on one level always influences the other levels.


Classical homeopathy is based exclusively on the principles described by Samuel Hahnemann - the founder of homeopathy. So no complex remedies are prescribed, only individual ones. These are given after a detailed anamnesis, based on the individual interplay of physical, psycho-emotional and mental symptoms.

Definition of health

The question "What does health mean?" has been an ongoing contemplation for me. The answer to this question and hence definition of health provides information about the principles, way of thinking and, last but not least, about possible healing approaches of a particular medical system.


Vithoulkas defines health as follows:

'Health is freedom from pain in the physical body, a state of well being;

freedom from passion on the emotional plane, resulting in a dynamic state of serenity and calm;

and freedom from selfishness in the mental sphere, having as a result total unification with Truth.'

Homeopathic treatment

Homeopathy can be used effectively for acute complaints as well as for 'well-known' chronic complaints.


Acute treatment:

  • The focus here is on the acute symptoms. These can be physical, such as an infection, but also psycho-emotional, such as newly occurring panic attacks.

  • In the event of clear complaints, the correct remedy can be found quickly, so that a consultation may only last 5-15 minutes.

  • Usually the remedy has to be taken repeatedly and several times a day.

  • Occasionally, additional remedies are needed in the course of the acute illness. Therefore, close contact (calling daily) is helpful during acute treatment.

If the right remedy is given, the symptoms can be significantly and extremely quickly alleviated - possibly within a few minutes to hours. It is in these moments that I am fascinated about the enormous power of homeopathy.

If you are acutely ill, please write this directly in the subject of the contact form. I will try to reach you by phone as soon as possible.


Regular, non-acute treatment:

  • The focus here is on the entirety of the current symptoms. Past illnesses and therapies also play a role. A social and family history is always taken.

  • Before the first consultation, you will receive a detailed questionnaire that will help you to describe your complaints in detail and give me the opportunity to optimally prepare for the consultation.

  • Due to the depth of the interview, this first anamnesis usually lasts about 90 minutes. All follow-up consultations are slightly shorter, about 60 minutes.

  • Usually the remedy is taken on three consecutive days and then paused. The effect unfolds gradually over several weeks. The effects can last between 6-24 months.

  • After approximately 8-12 weeks, I recommend a short online consultation. A follow-up appointment is usually indicated after 4-6 months.

If the right remedy is given, a significant relief of the symptoms can be expected - the improvement is usually noticeable after a few weeks. Occasionally there is a short, temporary worsening of the symptoms (= healing crisis), which is followed by a noticeable improvement of the overall state of health.

If you would like homeopathic treatment, please fill out the contact form below. We can then organise an online appointment.

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