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Ann-Sophie Briest, Paradiesstrasse 9, 78462 Konstanz

VAT ID no., E.g. B. DE 123456789

Register number: HRB 0123

Register court: Commercial register Berlin

The imprint only applies to the website at the address:

Editor: Ann-Sophie Briest

State in which the legal professional title (medical license) was awarded: Germany

Membership in: Medical Association South Baden

Infringement of property rights

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According to § 28 BDSG I contradict any commercial use and disclosure of my data.

This is an imprint. An imprint is required by law. This template contains sample texts, is not complete and cannot be published. Imprint information varies depending on the website and type of company - e. B. Sole proprietorship, GbR, GmbH, editorial office, etc. We therefore recommend that you seek legal advice in order to better understand which details your imprint must contain.

Responsible for content: Dr. med. Andreas Wegener, Seestraße 3a, D-78464 Konstanz, phone: 07531 15665, fax: 07531 914150, website:, email: (not for appointment inquiries or advice). Job title: The job title is doctor and was awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany. Responsible supervisory authority: Baden-Württemberg State Medical Association, Professional regulations: Dr. med. Andreas Wegener is admitted in Germany and a member of the Baden-Württemberg Medical Association. It is subject to the following professional regulations: • Heilberufegesetz Landesärztekammer Baden-Württemberg • Professional regulations (statutes) of the Landesärztekammer Baden-Württemberg • Further training regulations (statutes) of the Landesärztekammer Baden-Württemberg • Approval regulations for doctors (ÄAppO) • Federal doctors' regulations • Fee regulations for doctors (GOÄ). Notice of liability: Despite careful control of the content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content. Data protection: Our website can be used without providing personal data and we do not collect, need or save any personal data.

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